There is a MANDATORY UPDATE to use new miners with Stake Version 3 from now on - old miners won't work and the shares will be rejected. Please update your miners to the latest ccminer version (released today!) and only use port 3252 for mining !
DCR coinmine 100% rejected share
Автор темы Холмс, июл 05 2016 01:53
топливная карта бензин карта цена топливной карты
Сообщений в теме: 285
Отправлено 15 января 2018 - 09:20
Вот такое сообщение на Suprnova.
- There is a MANDATORY UPDATE to use new miners with Stake Version 3 from now on - old miners won't work and the shares will be rejected. Please update your miners to the latest ccminer version (released today!) and only use port 3252 for mining !
Отправлено 20 января 2018 - 09:06
Вот такое сообщение на Suprnova.- There is a MANDATORY UPDATE to use new miners with Stake Version 3 from now on - old miners won't work and the shares will be rejected. Please update your miners to the latest ccminer version (released today!) and only use port 3252 for mining !
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